Original Tip #13 - Never believe that your companion has truly become "dispossessed."
Don't fall for it, people! It's the oldest trick in the Book of the Dead - pretend that you're no longer possessed, show just a glimmer of your poor pathetic human feelings and such, draw the unsuspecting victim in, and then feast on their soul, disembowel them casually, consume them, or otherwise make them dead, muerte, mort, finito, post vivo, past tense, terminated, target destroyed, demon chow, soul food, corpus carcass, hands-free axe-holder... you get the idea. Don't fall for it.
Don't fall for it, people! It's the oldest trick in the Book of the Dead - pretend that you're no longer possessed, show just a glimmer of your poor pathetic human feelings and such, draw the unsuspecting victim in, and then feast on their soul, disembowel them casually, consume them, or otherwise make them dead, muerte, mort, finito, post vivo, past tense, terminated, target destroyed, demon chow, soul food, corpus carcass, hands-free axe-holder... you get the idea. Don't fall for it.
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